If the "Latest updates" sidebar shows pepflashplugin- nonfree with a status other than "Successfully built," you may want to install the package at a later time. Google's download site does not make available any version of Chrome but the latest, so only a matching version of pepflashplugin- installer will work- unfortunately, while the source package should be updated here (in this PPA) shortly after the new Chrome release, Launchpad's build queue may delay the corresponding binary packages for several hours.Ĭheck the upper-right-hand corner of this page. Note that if you install pepflashplugin- installer soon after Google releases a new version of Chrome, the installation process may fail to download the plugin. (Google dropped support for i386 as of March 2016.) It has not recently been tested on older releases of Ubuntu. The pepflashplugin- installer package may be installed on Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty) or newer, for the amd64 architecture. com/flashplayer /2012/02/ adobe-and- google- partnering- for-flash- player- on-linux. Some information on the Pepper Flash plugin and how it differs from earlier versions of Flash may be found here: Google Chrome itself is not installed nor otherwise used in any way.) (Specifically, it downloads the latest Google Chrome package, extracts the Pepper Flash files, and installs only those. The package is similar to Ubuntu's official flashplugin- installer in that it does not include the plugin itself, but instead downloads the plugin and installs it automatically. This repository provides the pepflashplugin- installer package, which will download and install the newer "Pepper" (PPAPI) version of the Adobe Flash Player plugin for use with the Chromium Web browser on Ubuntu GNU/Linux.
Please note that the package(s) available here will only disable a Pepper Flash plug-in installed by a previous version, to avoid security vulnerabilities. and enable them as appropriate for installed Web browsers. This is now an all-in-one package that will install both the NPAPI and PPAPI versions of the Flash plug-in.
(The older NPAPI version of the Flash plug-in continues to be available as a download from Adobe, as it always has been.)įor Ubuntu users, the recommended solution is now to enable the Canonical "partner" repository and install the "adobe-flashplugin" package: Pepper Flash may now be downloaded on its own from Adobe: As of Google Chrome version 54, the Pepper Flash plug-in is no longer bundled with the browser.